Returns Policy


Please bring the items you wish to return to our Graiguenamanagh Pharmacy, within 14 days from the day you receive them, to be refunded in full via the original payment method.

If you return your purchase after this period but within 28 days, you may exchange the item for other merchandise or a Brandonvale Pharmacy Gift Voucher to the value of the returned items.

Please return to the relevant department in store where our staff will be happy to help.


If you return your purchase by post or courier after the periods outlined above (with the exception of faulty or damaged goods), we reserve the right not to offer you a refund in full.

We may instead return your purchase to you. Prior to sending it, you will be charged the delivery fee applicable to the products and your location.

Our refund policy does not affect your statutory rights in respect of faulty or damaged goods.


No refund or exchange will be given without a receipt, dispatch note or other proof of purchase.


You will naturally wish to inspect the products you order. However, whilst you are deciding whether to keep your purchases, you do have a statutory duty to take reasonable care of the goods.

Therefore, please ensure you do not damage the items (or the packaging where it forms part of the goods, for example, boxed products and gift items) and, if you wish to return anything, that it reaches us in perfect condition.

Where you have failed to take reasonable care of the goods, whether whilst in your possession or when returning them, we reserve the right to refund you in full less any amount due by way of compensation, to either repair the goods or to cover any loss.

Products that cannot be returned.

Unless faulty, the following items, whether purchased inshore or online, cannot be returned within the terms of our refund policy:

  • Medicines, including prescription medicines
  • Vitamins & food supplements
  • Diet supplements & food
  • Baby food products
  • Earrings
  • Brandonvale Pharmacy Gift Vouchers
  • Made-to-measure goods (such as personalised giftware
  • Free items

Other items may be added to this list from time to time. This does not affect your statutory rights in respect of faulty, incorrect or damaged goods.

In addition, the following items can only be returned within our refund policy providing it is in its original condition (including the packaging where it forms part of the goods, for example, boxed goods and gift items) and for hygiene or safety reasons have not been worn, opened, assembled or used and any seals on the product remain unbroken:

  • Cosmetics
  • Fragrances
  • Personal grooming products


Provided you have notified us in writing that you wish to cancel your order under the Consumer Contract Regulations, and the return also meets the terms of our Online Returns & Refund Policy, you will be entitled to a full refund including delivery charges if applicable.

We are unable to provide a refund of the delivery charges when only part of your order is being cancelled.


If you used a promotional discount when paying for your order, the discount is applied to each item in the basket. In the event of a return, you will not be refunded the discounted amount.